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Towards a new conception of literary studies in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

Laura Borràs Castanyer (

Lecturer of the Languages and Cultures Studies of the UOC

Director of the Hermeneia research group (UOC)


The socio-cultural changes brought on by Internet and the information society in which we live force us to rethink certain premises that affect teaching practice for literature and to take into consideration new spaces and possibilities that we need to know how to generate in the framework of the digital age. In a context of being subject to too much information/disinformation, the task of the university teacher is no longer simply to transmit information, but to contribute to generating knowledge, providing students with the intellectual tools needed to allow them to think critically and judiciously. This necessary reflection on education and its most important components - students and teachers - has, to date, been virtually non-existent in non-specific academic discourses.

The aim of this article is to comment on a series of questions that are to play an important role in the reform process brought on by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): considerations relating to what we are and what we do as university teachers of literature and to what extent this might be affected by the upcoming changes and, thus, ascertain what we will be and do in this imminent new scenario. Likewise, it also sets out which strategies are available for adapting to this change and making it an opportunity to produce quality teaching. Finally, it offers a summary of the work carried out by the UOC along these lines, commenting on the tools and the specific nature and typology of the materials.


EHEA, literary studies, philology, teaching practice

Submission date:  December 2006
Published in:  March 2007

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AUTHOR = "Laura Borr\`as",
TITLE = "Cap a una nova concepci\'o dels estudis literaris en l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior (EEES)",
JOURNAL = "UOC Papers",
YEAR = "2007",
number = "4",
note = "Article en l\'{\i}nia",
issn = "",
url = "/uocpapers/4/dt/cat/borras.pdf"

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