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A bibliographic review of relations between literature and technology. The state of the art at Spanish universities

Joan-Elies Adell Pitarch (

Lecturer of the Languages and Cultures Studies of the UOC

Researcher in the Hermeneia research group (UOC)


Despite the usual reticence of Spanish universities' literary studies departments to reflect on new concepts and technology, as seen in the appearance of new forms of expression linked to computers and the Internet, such as hypertext; over recent years, a number of books have appeared that highlight the undeniable need to face up to all the challenges, for literature, brought on by living immersed in culture in a digital environment.

This article offers a critical review of a series of works published in Spain that look at the study and analysis of the relations between literature and technology, whilst also offering an assessment of the state of the art from an academic perspective: from the different theorisations about hypertext to the current concept of electronic textuality.

The books reviewed are as follows: Literatura hipertextual y teoría literaria, edited by María José Vega (2003); Literatura digital: el paradigma hipertextual, by Susana Pajares Tosca (2004); Literatura y cibercultura, edited by Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (2004); Textualidades electrónicas. Nuevos escenarios para la literatura, edited by Laura Borràs Castanyer (2005), Teoría del hipertexto. La literatura en la era electrónica, edited byM.ª Teresa Vilariño and Anxo Abuín (2006) and L'escriptura i el llibre en l'era digital, by various authors (2006).


digital culture, digital literature, electronic textuality, hypertext, literary studies, literary theory

Submission date:  December 2006
Published in:  March 2007

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AUTHOR = "Joan-Elies Adell",
TITLE = "Un recorregut bibliogr\`afic sobre les relacions entre literatura i tecnologia. Un estat de la q\"uesti\'o a la universitat espanyola",
JOURNAL = "UOC Papers",
YEAR = "2007",
number = "4",
note = "Article en l\'{\i}nia",
issn = "",
url = "/uocpapers/4/dt/cat/adell.pdf"

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