"Feminismo y Conocimiento. De la experiencia de las mujeres al ciborg" by Carme Adán
M. Antònia Huertas (mhuertass@uoc.edu)
Researcher, NET2LEARN research group, UOC
The central theme of the book is the link between feminism and knowledge theory, as can be seen simply and clearly in the title (Feminism and Knowledge). Carme Adán presents a systematising of the most important theories from the Anglo-Saxon tradition of gender and science studies, and clarifies the conceptual tools used in the feminist criticism of epistemology, or knowledge theory. It is not an easy read, but this magnificent critical study is one of the few works on feminist epistemology in Spanish with a scope beyond the purely academic and, without doubt, will contribute to improving interested readers' capacity for analysis in the knowledge society.
cyborg, feminism, gender, knowledge, science
Submission date:
February 2008
Accepted in:
March 2008
Published in:
April 2008
selection of books